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Video Explanations on what's causing your pain

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Migraine Headaches

Watch this video to understand a little more about migraine. While there are often a number of factors that produce migraines and headaches, often there is a mechanical aspect, often originating in the upper neck and upper back. Osteopathic manipulation can be very beneficial for helping to resolve headaches and migraines providing there is no underlying disease present.

Neck Pain
Where Neck Pain Begins

Watch this video to understand more about the many causes of neck pain.

Neck Pain
Cervical Radiculopathy

Watch this video to help you understand what causes compression of the nerves in the neck.

Shoulder Pain
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Watch this video to understand more about this problem that is so often miss Diagnosed. True adhesive capsulitis or “Frozen Shoulder” is an active inflammation of the capsule and soft tissues around the shoulder joint and lasts from the out-set for about 24 months with increasing levels of pain initially and then increasing levels of reduced movement. Active mobilisation can help as well as manipulation under anaesthetic (MUA) if the later stages of the condition cause major loss of movement. The condition is self-limiting and usually always resolves. Mainly women of middle age Suffer from this problem. Osteopathic treatment can very often help manage this problem.

Shoulder Pain
Rotator Cuff Injuries

Please watch this video to understand more about the “rotator-cuff” muscles and the injuries associated with them. These are a group of 5 muscles that move the arm proper. The other muscles around the shoulder joint, stabilise this joint so the arm can move. As the arm moves more than any other part of the body it is more vulnerable to stress and strain hence causing a number of problems generally called rotator cuff injuries. Here osteopathic assessment and treatment can be of great benefit.

Back Pain
Back pain caused by joint irritation (facet joint syndrome)

The joints in the spine guide the movement of the back and have lots of nerves around the joint. When these joints become irritated the local muscles go into spasm to protect the spinal (facet) joints.

Back Pain
Where lower back pain begins

Please watch this video animation to help you understand more about some of the causes of back pain which includes the spinal joints (facet joints) as well as the shock absorbing like discs, between the bony vertebrae in the front of the spinal cord, which is protected within the spinal canal.

Back Pain
Degenerative Disc Disease

Please watch this video animation to understand more about the discs in your spine which start to wear a bit as we get older (from late 20’s onwards). This wear is called degenerative disc disease – and is a natural process. Some people often have more symptoms than others. As the discs wear they start to decrease in height which then causes the joints in the back of the spine to come together more – which then causes more weight bearing on the spinal (facet) joints. This is why the main cause of back pain even in younger people can be the discs and not the spinal joints. Usually MR or CT scans are required to tell whether there is a disc problem or not. A large percentage of patients with disc problems respond to conservative management rather than surgery. Osteopathy is a very effective way of sorting out these disc conditions along with rehabilitation therapy.

Back Pain
Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica)

Please watch this video animation to help you understand more about this very common complaint. When someone has low back pain with symptoms down the leg/s, then sometimes it can be due to the nerves (the sciatic nerve) in the lower back getting compressed and irritated by wear and tear in the spinal joints or a disc bulging from the front part of the spine. These can cause pain, numbness, “pins & needles” muscle weakness or twitching and generally the term used for this is Sciatica. Usually, even for severe symptoms, conservative management of sciatica resolves the problem over a period of time. Proper diagnosis is critical in effective management of sciatica with osteopathic treatment along with core stability work via pilates or yoga is a very good approach.

Foot & Ankle Pain
Plantar Fasciitis

Please watch this video to understand more about this common problem. The plantar fascia is a triangle shaped piece of tendon that attached to the heel bone (calcaneum) at base of the ankle and to the heads of the long bones of the foot (meta-tarsals). This tendon is important as it maintains the arch of the foot and acts in part as a tension / shock – absorber for the foot, as the person walks from “heel down” to “toe off”. If this tendon gets tight or irritated then it can become very inflamed as it takes a lot of stress throughout the day. If the irritation continues, it can also cause a bony spur to form (calcaneal spur) at the base of the heel – where the fascia attaches to the bone. Both these problems usually respond well to conservative management with soft tissue massage and stretching.

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