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Basingstoke Osteopathy

“Seeing a patient as a whole person, is a core principle of osteopathy.  Wholeness requires that we maintain a sense of the entire patient, looking at the body in health - as meaning harmony, not in one part,
but in the whole.” after A.T. Still MD, DO.  Founder of Osteopathy

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a holistic healthcare system emphasizing the structural and mechanical aspects of the body. Osteopaths focus on the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, muscles, and joints, to ensure it functions optimally and pain-free. When the body's structure operates correctly, it minimizes wear and stress on tissues, promoting overall health.

Dealing with Stress and Health
Our bodies constantly face various stresses, both physical and emotional. Designed to withstand these challenges, the body uses tissue repair, a healthy immune system, sufficient sleep, and optimal nutrition to maintain health. Symptoms and diseases occur when stress becomes excessive or when the body's natural defense mechanisms are compromised, necessitating treatment.

Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment
Osteopaths begin with a comprehensive case history and examination of the body's structure and function to identify the source of symptoms. Treatment not only targets the symptomatic area but also addresses underlying factors contributing to mechanical dysfunction. This holistic approach supports the body's self-healing and tissue repair processes.

Treatment Techniques
Osteopathic treatment is usually gentle and should not be painful. Techniques often include soft-tissue massage, gentle joint articulation and mobilization, and, if necessary, joint manipulation. Osteopaths also provide advice on lifestyle, activities, and exercise to support overall health.

Osteopathy in the UK
There are over 6,000 registered osteopaths in the UK, conducting more than 7 million consultations annually.

What to Expect on Your First Visit?

Initial Consultation
Your first visit involves taking a detailed case history to uncover possible causes of your problem. This is followed by an osteopathic examination of relevant body parts, leading to a working diagnosis.

Treatment Plan
Based on the examination, the osteopath will decide if osteopathic treatment is appropriate for you and determine the best approach. If osteopathy is not suitable, you may be referred to other medical or surgical consultants or healthcare practitioners, or back to your GP. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to your consultation and treatment sessions.

Osteopathic Treatment - What to Expect

Techniques Used
Osteopathic treatment uses a variety of soft tissue and manipulative techniques on muscles, ligaments, and joints. While generally painless, some soreness may occur a few hours post-treatment, which is a normal reaction.

Exercise Prescription
Ongoing exercise is crucial for maintaining spinal mobility. At the Spine Health Centre, we prescribe exercises via Physitrack, a free app providing clear, simple exercise videos accessible on your PC or smartphone. This tool can enhance our patients' adherence to an exercise program, promoting the idea that "the best exercises are the ones that are done."

Staying Connected with Physitrack
The Physitrack app allows you to stay in touch with us through secure, encrypted texting or video. This continuous connection helps monitor your progress over time, ensuring you receive the best possible care.


There are lots of benefits from osteopathic treatment including relief of severe pain, improved mobility, and improved levels of wellbeing.

There is now good evidence from clinical trials that osteopathy is as effective as exercise therapy and surgery for low back pain management. The Department of Health and the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) incorporated osteopathy in its Low Back Pain guidelines for 2009

Patients have found osteopathy to be helpful and effective for many other conditions, so please do talk to us about your problem.

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Osteopathy Basingstoke and Mortimer
Experience that matters

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or give us a call to discuss your problem on 01256 352241

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