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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain & Treatment

Shoulder Pain is common and can be caused by a number of conditions. These conditions include:

  • Rotator cuff problem  -  pain in the shoulder or upper arm, particularly when lifting the arm, lying on it or using the sore muscles. It is often the result of repetitive overuse of the arm and shoulder during a sport or activity or the result of a shoulder injury.  Age can also play a part.
  • Acromioclavicular joint pain  -  painful joint on the tip of the shoulder where the collarbone and shoulder blade join
  • Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis  - is the painful and gradual stiffening of the shoulder capsule (the tissue that surrounds your shoulder joint) and the shoulder can often become so stiff and painful that it limits your ability to use your arm in everyday activities.
  • Referred shoulder pain - pain is experienced in an area away from the actual injury or problem e.g. pain in shoulder which is usually referred from the neck or upper back
  • Osteoarthritis – progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint leading to the two bones of the joint rubbing together causing pain. Patients who have had previous trauma or shoulder surgery are most likely to develop osteoarthritis in later life. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness, aching and sharp, stabbing pains.
  • Shoulder instability – dislocation or excessive movement of the shoulder joint.

How can an Osteopath help?

  • Shoulder problems are often complex and can take a long time to resolve. An osteopath will work with you to try and understand the cause of your shoulder problem.
  • Depending on your age, fitness and the diagnosis we may use a variety of massage, rhythmical articulation and stretching techniques to try and improve the movement in your shoulder and reduce tension in any tight muscles.
  • Treatment is different in every individual and we may massage and loosen the joints of the neck and upper and mid back and shoulder blade area and sometimes the low back and hips if we feel they are contributing to your shoulder pain.
  • We may offer specific strengthening or loosening exercises to the shoulder and offer advice on posture and look at how you use your shoulder and any lifestyle habits that may be contributing to your shoulder problem.
  • X-rays, scans or other tests may be required to make a diagnosis and we may refer you to your GP for any further treatment.

Useful links

Osteopathic Sports care association
Arthritis Research UK

Videos of Interest

See these videos to understand other conditions that you or your family or friends might have.

Back pain caused by joint irritation (facet joint syndrome)
Click on the video to watch
Migraine Headaches
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Meniscus Tear
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How we Help
Anatomy of the Shoulder

Watch this video to understand more about the workings of the shoulder joint.

Basingstoke Osteopath offers treatment for Shoulder Pain
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Frozen Shoulder is an active inflammation of the capsule and soft tissues around the shoulder joint

Basingstoke Osteopath offers treatment for Rotator Cuff Injuries
Rotator Cuff Injuries

Please watch this video to understand more about the “rotator-cuff” muscles and the injuries associated with them.

How We Help

Experience that matters

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or give us a call to discuss your problem on 01256 352241

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Insurance Companies we work with
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